From the start of this blog in late 2010 I've been concerned about our increasingly polarized politics. I've also been troubled at the way many American Christians assume that Christian faith equals political conservatism and immediate agreement with Republican platforms. When I first put this page together in 2016, I quoted a 2004 statement by N. T. Wright, Anglican bishop and theologian in the UK, regarding false assumptions about what we believe:
"Part of the problem, particularly in the United States, is that cultures become so polarized that it is often assumed that if you tick one box you’re going to tick a dozen other boxes down the same side of the page – without realizing that the page itself is highly arbitrary and culture-bound. We have to claim the freedom, in Christ and in our various cultures, to name and call issues one by one with wisdom and clarity, without assuming that a decision on one point commits us to a decision on others."
In that 2004 discussion, Wright
went on to suggest that "the standard hard right line has allowed
itself to be conned into a sub-Christian or even unChristian stance."
Two decades later, we can see the tragic implications of an unthinking acceptance of a party platform that has little to do with Christ, Christianity, wisdom or clarity.
I began this blog to explore words half heard, ideas endorsed without full understanding, and false assumptions that lead us away from the joyful life God calls us toward.
In 2016 I set myself the goal of slogging through political platforms and debated policies, with the hope of clarifying for myself, at least, what policies a Christ-follower might endorse, and which should be opposed. As my journey led me deeper into Pennsylvania politics, I became concerned at how little most of us understand about the way political power works.
I believe more than ever that many good people of faith have been conned and manipulated, setting aside wisdom in the hope of quick political wins. While this page is devoted to exploring specifics of political platforms, at this point I see those platforms in the context of a decades long effort to dismantle democratic norms.
I discuss the larger politic trends in these posts. Earlier posts on similar themes are listed below.
Two decades later, we can see the tragic implications of an unthinking acceptance of a party platform that has little to do with Christ, Christianity, wisdom or clarity.
I began this blog to explore words half heard, ideas endorsed without full understanding, and false assumptions that lead us away from the joyful life God calls us toward.
In 2016 I set myself the goal of slogging through political platforms and debated policies, with the hope of clarifying for myself, at least, what policies a Christ-follower might endorse, and which should be opposed. As my journey led me deeper into Pennsylvania politics, I became concerned at how little most of us understand about the way political power works.
I believe more than ever that many good people of faith have been conned and manipulated, setting aside wisdom in the hope of quick political wins. While this page is devoted to exploring specifics of political platforms, at this point I see those platforms in the context of a decades long effort to dismantle democratic norms.
I discuss the larger politic trends in these posts. Earlier posts on similar themes are listed below.
- Give Us Barabbas, March 29, 2024
- Bad Faith Documentary / Good Faith Podcast, August 17, 2024
Posts from 2024 (a work in progress- more to come)
- Celebrating Summer Socialism, August 24, 2024
- Embracing Equity: Project 2025 and PA School Funding, July 7, 2024
Posts from 2020:
- Whose Side Is God On? August 2, 2020
- Citizens, October 4, 2020
Citizens, October 4, 2020
Posts from 2016:
Posts from 2012:
Makers, Takers, and Immoral Wealth Transfer Sept. 23, 2012
to Work and a Plea for Wisdom Sep 2,
Least of These August 26, 2012
Mercy, Parasites? August 19,
those in prison August 12 2012
Some Trust in Chariots August 5 2012
Some foundational questions about civic engagement:
Which "Way" Am I Called to Follow? July 29 2012
to Proclaim Good News July 8, 2012
Sentinels July 1, 2012

Love Your Neighbor, Vote with Prayer October 28, 2012
Whose values shape our vote?
Is there one party that stands for "Christian values"?
How do we decide when there's no perfect candidate, no perfect platform?
Pulpit Freedom, Public Faith\ October 7, 2012

Questions of Character October 14, 2012
Blessed by Government Sept. 16, 2012
All Liberals Here: Except When We’re Not Sept. 9, 2012
Some older posts on similar topics:
Work Sep 4, 2011
- Beyond the Party Platform July 24, 2016
- A Different Way July 31, 2016
- Election Fraud and Rigged Elections, August 10, 2016
- How Long Will the Land Lie Parched? August 21, 2016
- Walls, Welcome, Mercy, Law August 28, 2016
- Workers and Their Wages, Sep 3, 2016
- Educating Ourselves On Education, Sep 10, 2016
- Let's Talk, Sep 17, 2016
- The Language of the Unheard, Sep 24, 2016
- Maintain Justice, October 9, 2016
- Defending the Indefensible, October 16, 2016
- Plan Your Vote: Platforms, Parties, People, October 23, 2016
- The Politics of Hate - or Love, October 30, 2016
Posts from 2012:

Are all those who don't pay federal income taxes "takers," voting for immoral wealth transfer from the wealthy?
Or are the biggest takers at the other end of the scale?

Ever heard of TANF?
That's Temporary Assistance for Needy
Families - commonly called Welfare.
And what's this about Obama
"gutting" welfare reform?

Abortion has been in the news, and the parties are preparing
their platforms.
What does it mean to care for the least of these?
And what
role do justice, mercy and humility have in this debate?

What we believe about individual
worth, human value, service to others, justice, mercy, will shape our
conversation, attitudes, policies, budgets. Somehow Ayn Rand's ideas about
"creators" and "parasites" have found their way into our
public discourse.
How should I respond to an ideology so out of step with
"walking humbly with your God"?

One in four of the world’s inmates is doing time in an
American prison. “Continue to remember those in prison as if you were
together with them in prison, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves
were suffering.” What does that mean when prisons are now a growth industry for
private corporations?
Some Trust in Chariots August 5 2012
Does it matter that we're now
spending as much as the next fourteen nations combined?
We have less than five
percent of the world's population account for four/tenths of the world's
military spending.
What are we afraid of?
are the Peacemakers: July 22, 2012
Jesus said "Blessed are the peacemakers,"
Do we
believe him?
And why are so many people who claim to follow Christ such avid
advocates for war?
and Good News July 15, 2012
Whose idea was a Second Amendment scorecard?
And who
benefits from unregulated guns?
Some foundational questions about civic engagement:

In this hot political season, with voices raised about guns, jobs, freedom, the American Way , I find myself pausing to ask: which Way am I called to follow?
Whose priorities should I pursue?

How is my witness helped or harmed by the idea of a
"Christian" platform? And who decides what a "good"
Christian would vote for?

What benefits do I enjoy that were won through costly
And what is my own responsibility in the current political discourse?

Love Your Neighbor, Vote with Prayer October 28, 2012
Whose values shape our vote?
Is there one party that stands for "Christian values"?
How do we decide when there's no perfect candidate, no perfect platform?

What place does faith have in the political arena?
What place does politics have in the religious arena?
What are some of the "malfunctions of faith"
that cause confusion when we try to sort this out?

Questions of Character October 14, 2012
Does character matter?
Do we care if we're lied to?
Do all faiths put the same value on truth?
And if not, is it okay to say so?

Do we really want: “to shrink government to the size where we can drown it in a bathtub”?
Ever visit a country with a really small government?
Is government the enemy, or a blessing we take too much for granted?

According to the historic definition, a liberal believes in the importance of individual rights, including property rights, personal rights, and the freedom of the individual from any kind of external restraint.
See any contradictions?
See any contradictions?
Some older posts on similar topics:
Do You Have that You Didn't Receive?
Jun 11, 2012
How possible is it, in our current economy, for those
without the privilege of family wealth to work their way from poverty to
success? According to a growing number of economists, it's increasingly
about Wealth Feb 05, 2012
But the real issue, from what I can see, isn't income, but
wealth. Wealth - net worth - can be defined as financial assets (stocks, bonds,
savings) plus real assets (primarily housing) minus debt.
The Big G Oct 16, 2011
The prophets, from Isaiah and Jeremiah to Hosea, Amos,
Micah, warn about God's anger against those who trust in riches, who hoard
wealth, who gather more than their share, who misuse the land and exploit their
Earth Day Shalom: Ripples of Resurrection. How long will the
land lie parched and the grass in every field be withered? Because those who
live in it are wicked, the animals and birds have perished. (Jeremiah
12:4) ...
Seed? Whose Food? Jan 29, 2012
What is food sovereignty, and why should I care? Should I
care about what happens to cotton farmers in India ? Rice farmers in China ? Corn
farmers in Haiti ?
What about the struggles of organic farmers here in the US ?
Jan 22, 2012
David Kinneman’s unChristian quotes one young agnostic,
active in the Republican party: “I believe that American Christians have become
tools of the Republican election machine—at the expense of their own image and
message.” Yet a Christianity Today article suggests “Frequent Bible
Reading Can Turn You Liberal." Who speaks for the church? Do we agree?
Jan 15, 2012
Andrew Jackson said: "Unless you become more
watchful in your States and check this spirit of monopoly and thirst for
exclusive privileges, you will in the end find that the most important powers
of Government have been given or bartered away, and the control of your dearest
interests have been passed into the hands of these corporations." So what
does that have to do with justice and love?
Fracking Hysteria? Nov 13, 2011
Hysteria has become the word of choice in describing those
who express concern about fracking, hydraulic fracturing. The oil and gas
industry has a great deal of money committed to preserving the status quo,
reliance on fossil fuel, even though that fossil fuel is harder and harder to
get, and extracted from more and more sensitive regions, in more and more
untested and dangerous ways. Easy to dismiss voices of concern with a
quick label: “hysteria.”
a Fractivist Sep 11, 2011
Wendell Berry wrote: “We are destroying our country - I
mean our country itself, our land. This is a terrible thing to know, but it is
not a reason for despair unless we decide to continue the destruction. If we
decide to continue the destruction, that will not be because we have no other
choice. This destruction is not necessary. It is not inevitable, except that by
our submissiveness we make it so.”
Work Sep 4, 2011
What's the value of work? And who speaks for workers?